What is la pâtisserie?
La pâtisserie has many meanings. It is a pastry, the art of pastry making and a pastry shop. The art of pastry has a long and rich history and it often goes back to the queens and kings of France and Italy.
La pâtisserie has many meanings. It is a pastry, the art of pastry making and a pastry shop. The art of pastry has a long and rich history and it often goes back to the queens and kings of France and Italy.
Why learn a language through baking?
When students have something to do or make while acquiring the language, they acquire more language! As our favorite philosopher, John Dewey, said, “Give the pupils something to do, not something to learn; and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally results.”
Stephen Krashan, one of the great researchers on second language learning and acquisition, has proved that the best way for students to learn a second language is the way they learned their first language: When the language is being used to transmit messages that are interesting to the students (BAKING!) not through explicit instruction of the language (grammar exercises, memorizing lists of words, which do have a role to play but it is not the only role in second language acquisition). Thus, students acquire more language by using the language through things they enjoy! Learning language through compelling stories, games, play and hands-on activities are all ways to gain more language.
When students have something to do or make while acquiring the language, they acquire more language! As our favorite philosopher, John Dewey, said, “Give the pupils something to do, not something to learn; and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally results.”
Stephen Krashan, one of the great researchers on second language learning and acquisition, has proved that the best way for students to learn a second language is the way they learned their first language: When the language is being used to transmit messages that are interesting to the students (BAKING!) not through explicit instruction of the language (grammar exercises, memorizing lists of words, which do have a role to play but it is not the only role in second language acquisition). Thus, students acquire more language by using the language through things they enjoy! Learning language through compelling stories, games, play and hands-on activities are all ways to gain more language.
What is Summer Baking Camp for incoming 1st-6th graders
(ages 6-11 year-olds?)
The summer baking camp is a week-long camp where we learn the art of la pâtisserie. Each day we make a different well-known pâtisserie (pastry) and learn about the pastry's history, ingredients and region of France or francophone country it comes from. Bakers are in small rotation groups throughout the day, so that they have ample space and attention in the kitchen. Other rotations include creating menus and decorations for our dégustation (tasting event), and playing games. At the end of each day, we will eat lunch* and enjoy eating what we made, learning ways to talk about food in French. At the end of the week, bakers invite friends & families for une dégustation (a tasting) of our pastries from the week. Bakers are given a bilingual cookbook that they can take home so they can make the pastry at home afterwards! *Bakers bring their own lunch to camp.
(ages 6-11 year-olds?)
The summer baking camp is a week-long camp where we learn the art of la pâtisserie. Each day we make a different well-known pâtisserie (pastry) and learn about the pastry's history, ingredients and region of France or francophone country it comes from. Bakers are in small rotation groups throughout the day, so that they have ample space and attention in the kitchen. Other rotations include creating menus and decorations for our dégustation (tasting event), and playing games. At the end of each day, we will eat lunch* and enjoy eating what we made, learning ways to talk about food in French. At the end of the week, bakers invite friends & families for une dégustation (a tasting) of our pastries from the week. Bakers are given a bilingual cookbook that they can take home so they can make the pastry at home afterwards! *Bakers bring their own lunch to camp.
What is Summer Baking Camp for incoming 7th-10th graders?
This year's summer baking camp is a week-long camp where we learn the French language and francophone cultures through food and baking. Most of the camp is conducted in French so bakers need at least some experience with French. Each day we bake a different well-known pâtisserie (pastry) and learn about the pastry's history, ingredients and region of France or francophone country it came from. At the end of each day, we enjoy eating what we made, learning ways to talk about food in French. By the end of the week, bakers will be able to say in French the most common ingredients in pastries, the most common pastries in French and the history of French pastries. In addition, they will know the most common verbs used in the kitchen. The food unit is modeled after the Virginia Commonwealth's Program of Study for French as well as Madame Rebecca's tried and true experiences during her 2o+ years of teaching French through baking.
This year's summer baking camp is a week-long camp where we learn the French language and francophone cultures through food and baking. Most of the camp is conducted in French so bakers need at least some experience with French. Each day we bake a different well-known pâtisserie (pastry) and learn about the pastry's history, ingredients and region of France or francophone country it came from. At the end of each day, we enjoy eating what we made, learning ways to talk about food in French. By the end of the week, bakers will be able to say in French the most common ingredients in pastries, the most common pastries in French and the history of French pastries. In addition, they will know the most common verbs used in the kitchen. The food unit is modeled after the Virginia Commonwealth's Program of Study for French as well as Madame Rebecca's tried and true experiences during her 2o+ years of teaching French through baking.
Do you review kitchen safety?
Yes, everyday, we review kitchen safety before we enter the kitchen:
-We review personal sanitation (washing hands before and after baking, pulling hair back, wearing appropriate clothing) and surface sanitation.
-We read the recipe thoroughly before we begin baking,
-We use oven mitts when working with hot items.
-We go over proper knife safety when using a knife to cut.
There is a low ratio of children to counselors and adults in the kitchen that also helps to ensure everyone is safe.
Yes, everyday, we review kitchen safety before we enter the kitchen:
-We review personal sanitation (washing hands before and after baking, pulling hair back, wearing appropriate clothing) and surface sanitation.
-We read the recipe thoroughly before we begin baking,
-We use oven mitts when working with hot items.
-We go over proper knife safety when using a knife to cut.
There is a low ratio of children to counselors and adults in the kitchen that also helps to ensure everyone is safe.
How do you handle allergies?
Many of the recipes use wheat flour, eggs and dairy that is difficult to substitute. For nut allergies, we may be able to adjust the recipe so there is no nuts, however, nuts may be used in the kitchen before or after we use it, so there may be contamination.
Many of the recipes use wheat flour, eggs and dairy that is difficult to substitute. For nut allergies, we may be able to adjust the recipe so there is no nuts, however, nuts may be used in the kitchen before or after we use it, so there may be contamination.
My child does not speak French. Can we still do the camp?
Yes! For ages 6-11, bakers with or without prior French or baking experience. All are welcomed! Bakers are in small groups throughout the camp and language is adjusted for the level of each group. For ages 12-15, at least some knowledge of French is required since most of the camp is in French.
Yes! For ages 6-11, bakers with or without prior French or baking experience. All are welcomed! Bakers are in small groups throughout the camp and language is adjusted for the level of each group. For ages 12-15, at least some knowledge of French is required since most of the camp is in French.
My child is learning French. Can we still do the camp?
Yes! Bakers are in small groups throughout the camp and language is adjusted for the level of each group. All are welcomed!
Yes! Bakers are in small groups throughout the camp and language is adjusted for the level of each group. All are welcomed!
My child did French Baking Camp last year. Will do you make the same pastries this year? No, each year we bake some new pastries! We may do one or two of our favorite from last year, but we will also be discovering new pastries this year!
How many bakers and counselors in the camp? Each session has a maximum of 15 bakers (campers). Our counselor/baker ratio is 1 counselor to 4 bakers The bakers are in small groups so they can have plenty of space and attention when it's their time to be in the kitchen!
Can we have a refund? Refunds are not issued after the week before camp begins. Due to materials bought and extensive planning based on registration numbers, it is not feasible to give refunds close to the camp date. No refunds or prorated credit will be given for late arrivals, early departures and absences.
How can we practice French at home?
Tutoring Mme Rebecca may be available for tutoring. Email Mme. Rebecca if you are interested in tutoring sessions.
Shows and movies! Watch shows that are interesting to you! Netflix, Amazon Prime and Youtube have many French-speaking shows you can watch and may an English subtitles option.
Listening to music and trying to understand the lyrics!
Reading books and magazines! Bonjour Maman in Kensington has a very large collection of new and used French books and magazines. http://www.bonjourmama.com/
A few libraries in our area have books you may borrow: The library at Alliance Française in DC, DC Public Libraries and Beatley library here in Alexandria.
You may also join a French book club offered by the "L'ECOLE DES LOISIRS" publishers. For less than $10/month your child receives a French book. I often read these books in class so you may learn how to pronounce the words with me and then read them with your child at home. Please ask me about joining this enriching book club. This publisher also offers many other books if you're interested in buying books that aren't in the subscription. Please see me for more information or click on Learning at Home and find the section about our French Book Club.
There are many French books to be found on amazon.com and amazon.fr
There are many apps available for learners. Duolingo is one of my favorites!
Tutoring Mme Rebecca may be available for tutoring. Email Mme. Rebecca if you are interested in tutoring sessions.
Shows and movies! Watch shows that are interesting to you! Netflix, Amazon Prime and Youtube have many French-speaking shows you can watch and may an English subtitles option.
Listening to music and trying to understand the lyrics!
Reading books and magazines! Bonjour Maman in Kensington has a very large collection of new and used French books and magazines. http://www.bonjourmama.com/
A few libraries in our area have books you may borrow: The library at Alliance Française in DC, DC Public Libraries and Beatley library here in Alexandria.
You may also join a French book club offered by the "L'ECOLE DES LOISIRS" publishers. For less than $10/month your child receives a French book. I often read these books in class so you may learn how to pronounce the words with me and then read them with your child at home. Please ask me about joining this enriching book club. This publisher also offers many other books if you're interested in buying books that aren't in the subscription. Please see me for more information or click on Learning at Home and find the section about our French Book Club.
There are many French books to be found on amazon.com and amazon.fr
There are many apps available for learners. Duolingo is one of my favorites!